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Panel Data Estimation of the Intergenerational Correlation of Incomes

Abul Naga, R.H. & Krishnakumar, J. (2000)

Panel Data: Future Research Directions, Essays in Honour of Professor Pietro Balestra. Amsterdam, Elsevier.


We consider the problem of estimating the intergenerational  orrelation of in omes in the  ontext of a panel data framework with measurement errors. We present single equation estimation metho ds as well as system metho ds under various assumptions regarding the serial  orrelation of the error term and taking into a  ount p ossible  orrelations among  hildren of the same family. Appli ation to a sample of US parents and  hildren leads to estimates of the order of 0.42 to 0.60 for the  o eÆ ient of in ome transmission.


Intergeneretional Mobility; Panel Data; Errors in Variables.