الصفحة الرئيسية > الأنشطة والفعاليات > AHEAD Newsletter 01.10.2019

AHEAD Newsletter

AHEAD Newsletter 01.10.2019


Welcome to the first of our six-monthly newsletters of the AHEAD research network. The Allied Health, Environment and Development Research Network (AHEAD) unites researchers in various research disciplines (economics, epidemiology, public health, sociology of health and environment...) from both developed and developing countries on current topics relating to health and environmental issues. You can find out more on our network by reading Section 7 of this newsletter, or by connecting to our website www.aheadnetwork.org. In this issue, we examine how to embed an aversion to  increased correlation between health and socio-economic status in social welfare functions used to evaluate public health policies (Research Focus in Section 2). In Section 3 we meet Marwân-al-Qays Bousmah and Jean-Baptiste Combes who talk to us about their research on the health of migrants in the European Union. In Section 4, we discuss the question of where to build a unique medical facility across two competing isolated regions of a conflict area. In this issue you will find the latest news from network members in Section 5. This is followed by a diary of key upcoming scientific events (Section 6).