الصفحة الرئيسية > الأعضاء > برونو فنتلو

برونو فنتلو

زميل باحث في المعهد القومي للأبحاث العلمية CNRS. أستاذ الإقتصاد كُلية الاقتصاد Aix-Marseille، فرنسا.

> bruno.ventelou@inserm.fr

زميل باحث في المعهد القومي للأبحاث العلمية CNRS. أستاذ الإقتصاد كُلية الاقتصاد Aix-Marseille، فرنسا.


Pavitra Paul, Ulrich Nguemdjo, Armel Ngami, Natalia Kovtun & Bruno Ventelou. Do efficiency and equity move together? Cross-dynamics of Health System performance and Universal Health Coverage. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume 9, Article number: 293 (2022)

Marwân-Al-Qays Bousmah, Sylvie Boyer, Richard Lalou, Bruno Ventelou Reassessing the demand for community-based health insurance in rural Senegal: Geographic distance and awareness. SSM Popul Health. 2021 Dec; 16: 100974.

Awawda, S. Ventelou, B. & Abu-Zaineh, M. Vers une couverture sanitaire universelle au Sénégal: Quelles sont les meilleurs stratégie de financement ?. Revue Internationale des Etudes du Développement, 247, 2021-3

Abu-Zaineh, M., Awawda, S. & Ventelou, B. (2020) Who bears the burden of Universal Health Coverage? An assessment of alternative financing policies using an overlapping-generations general equilibrium model. Health Policy and Planning, 35(7): 867–877.

Awawda, S.; Abu-Zaineh, M. and Ventelou, B. (2019) The quest to expand the coverage of public health insurance in the occupied Palestinian territory: An assessment of feasibility and sustainability using a simulation modelling framework. The Lancet, 393, Special Issue, S17, March 01, 2019

Bousmah, M.-a.-Q., Ventelou, B. & Abu-Zaineh, M. (2016) Medicine and democracy: The importance of institutional quality in the relationship between health expenditure and health outcomes in the MENA region. Health Policy, 120(8): 929-935.

Kankeu, Hyacinthe Tchewonpi & Ventelou, Bruno  (2016) Socioeconomic inequalities in informal payments for health care: An assessment of the ‘Robin Hood’ hypothesis in 33 African countries. Social Science & Medicinedoi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.01.015.

Arrighi Y., Abu-Zaineh M., & Ventelou B. (2015) To count or not to count deaths: Reranking effects in health distribution evaluation. Health Economics, 24 (2) : 193-205.

Makhloufi K., Ventelou, B., & Abu-Zaineh, M. (2015) Have health insurance reforms in Tunisia attained their intended objective?. International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 15(1), 29-51.

Abu-Zaineh M., Arfa C., Ventelou B., Ben Romdhane H. & Moatti JP. (2014) Fairness in healthcare finance and delivery: what about Tunisia?. Health Policy and Planning29 (4):433-442.

Abu-Zaineh M., Ben Romdhane H., Ventelou B., Moatti J-P. & Arfa C. (2013) Appraising financial protection in health: the case of Tunisia. International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 13(1):73-93.

Abu-Zaineh M., Mataria A., Moatti J-P & Ventelou B. (2011) Measuring and decomposing socioeconomic inequality in health care delivery: A Micro-simulation approach with application to the Palestinian conflict-affected fragile setting. Social Science and Medicine, 72 (2), 133-141.

Boyer S., Abu-Zaineh M., Blanche J., Loubière S., Bonono R-C., Moatti J-P, & Ventelou B. (2011) Does HIV-services decentralization protect against the risk of catastrophic health expenditures? Some lessons from Cameroon. . Health Services Research, 46 (6.2), 2029-56.

Abu-Zaineh M., Mataria A., Luchini S., & Moatti J-P.(2009) Equity in health care finance in Palestine: the triple effects revealed . Journal of Health Economics, 28 (6), 1071-80.

Abu-Zaineh M., Mataria A., Luchini S., & Moatti J-P. (2008) Equity in health care financing: the value-added of the disaggregate approach . Social Science and Medicine, 66(11), 2308-20.

Woode, M. E., Nourry, C. & Ventelou, B. (2014) Childhood preventive care, adult healthcare and economic growth: The role of healthcare financing. Economics Letters, 124(1), 41-47. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2014.04.017

Ventelou B.,  Arrighi Y., Greener R., Lamontagne E., Carrieri P., & Moatti J-P. (2012) The macroeconomic consequences of renouncing to universal access to antiretroviral treatment for HIV in Africa: a micro-simulation model. PLoS ONE, 7(4): e34101.