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Pascal Zurn

Coordinator Health Labour Market Unit, Health Workforce Department, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

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Pascal Zurn is a health economist with more than 15 years of experience at national and international level. He is specialized in health systems and economic evaluation. He is coordinator of the Health Labour Market Unit, Health Workforce Department at the  World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland. His main areas of responsibility include: leading health labour market analyses, developing tools for health labour market analyses and supporting countries in developing health workforce plans. 


Selected publications

Zurn P., Campbell J. Lauer J. Dhillon I., Wuliji T and Arcand JL, (2018) The Relationship between Health Employment and Economic Growth in “ the Road to Univeral Coverage” Edited by Sturchio, Kickbush and Galambos.

Campbell J., Cometto G., Rasanathan K., Kelley E., Syed S., Zurn P., de Bernis L., Matthews Z., Benton D., Frank O., and Nove A (2015). Improving the resilience and workforce of health systems for women's, children's, and adolescents' health. BMJ, 351:h4148 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.h4148 PMID: 26371216.

Lemiere, C., C. H. Herbst, C. Dolea, P. Zurn, and A. Soucat (2013), “RuralUrban Imbalance of Health Workers in SubSaharan Africa.” In The Labor Market for Health Workers in Africa: a New Look at the Crisis” , World Bank, Edited by Soucat A. Scheffler R. with Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Riley P., Zuber A., Vindigni M., Gupta N., Verani A., Sunderland L., Friedman M., Zurn P., Okoro C., Patrick H., Campbell J. (2012) Information systems on human resources for health: a global review. Human Resources for Health 2012, 10:7.

Zurn P., Colombo F., Paris V. et al. (2011) OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Switzerland, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Health Organization (WHO), Paris.

Zurn P., Vujicic M., Lemière C., Juquois M., Stormont S., Campbell J., Rutten M., and Braichet J.-M (2011) A technical framework for costing health workforce retention schemes in remote and rural areas, Journal of Human Resources for Health 9:8, http://www.human-resources-health.com/content/9/1/8. 

Zurn P., Codjia L., Lamine Salle F., Braichet J.-M. (2010) How to recruit and retain health workers in underserved areas: the Senegalese experience, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 88 p. 386–389

Zurn P., Codjia L., Sall F.L. (2010), La fidélisation des personnels de santé dans les zones difficiles au Sénégal, Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Genève. http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2010/9789242599046_fre.pdf

Dumont J.-C. and Zurn P. (2010), International migration of health workers, OECD/WHO policy brief, www.oecd.org/dataoecd/8/1/44783473.pdf.

Zurn P., Diallo K. and Kinfu Y. (2009) Monitoring Health Workforce Transition and Exits in "Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluation of Human Resources for Health" edited by WHO - World Bank - USAID. 

Dayrit M., Taylor A., Yan J., Braichet J-M., Zurn P., and Shainblum E. (2008), WHO code of practice on the international recruitment of health personnel, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 86 (10), p. 738.

Colombo F., Dumont J.-C., Hurst J., Zurn P. (2008), The Looming Crisis in the Health Workforce: How Can OECD Countries Respond ?, OECD Health Policy Studies. 

Dumont J.-C., Zurn P., Church J. and Le Thi C. (2008) International Mobility of Health Professionals and Health Workforce Management in Canada: Myths and Realities, OECD Health Workforce Working Papers No 40, WHO - OECD. 

Zurn P and Dumont J-C. (2008) "Health Workforce and International Migration: Can New-Zealand Compete?" OECD Health Working Papers no 33, WHO-OECD.

Dumont J-C and Zurn P. (2007) “ Immigrant Health Workers in OECD countries in the Broader Context of Highly Skilled Migration” in International Migration Outlook, OECD, Paris.

Connell J., Zurn P., Stilwell B., Awases M. And Braichet J.-M. (2007) Sub-Saharan Africa: beyond the health worker migration crisis? Social Science and Medicine 64, p. 1876-1891.

Colombo F., Zurn P., and Oxley H. (2006), OECD Reviews of Health Systems: Switzerland, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), World Health Organization (WHO), Paris.

Zurn P. (one of the main authors) et al. (2006), Working Together for Health, The World Health Report, World Health Organization, Geneva.

Vujicic M. and Zurn P. (2006), Dynamics of the Health Labour Market, The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 21(2), p. 101 - 115

Zurn P., Vujicic M. And Dreesch N. (2006), Increasing Access to Antiretroviral Therapy: A Model for Assessing Health Workforce Needs, in Tools for planning and developing human resources for HIV /AIDS, and Other Health Services, edited by Management Sciences for Health Cambridge, Massachusetts and the World Health Organization Geneva, Switzerland, chap 3 p. 51-67. 

Zurn P, Vujicic M, Diallo K, Pantoja A, Dal Poz MR, Adams O. (2005) Planning for human resources for health: human resources for health and the projection of health outcomes/outputs. Cahiers de Sociologie et de Démographie médicales, 2005, 45:107–133.

Zurn P., Dolea C. and Stilwell B. (2005), Nurse retention and recruitment: developing a motivated workforce, Issue Paper 4, International Council of Nurses, Geneva http://www.icn.ch/hcl/Issue4Retention.pdf.

Zurn P. and Adams O., (2004) Framework for purchasing health labour, Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Discussion Paper, World Bank.

Zurn P., Dal Poz M., Stilwell B, Adams O. (2004), Imbalances in the health workforce, Human Resources for Health, 2 (13).

Vujicic M., Zurn P., Diallo K. et al. (2004), The role of wages in the migration of health care professionals from developing countries, Human Resources for Health, 2(3).

Zurn P., Dal Poz M., Adams O. (2003), L'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé et le développement des ressources humaines du système de santé, Cahiers de Sociologie et de Démographie Médicales 43(3), 467-483. 

Stilwell B., Diallo K., Zurn P. et al. (2003), Developing evidence-based ethical policies on the migration of health workers: conceptual and practical challenges, Human Resources for Health, 1(8). 

Diallo K., Zurn P., Gupta N. and Dal Poz M. (2003), Monitoring and evaluation of human resources for health: an international perspective, Human Resources for Health, 1(3). 

Zurn P. Dal Poz M., Stilwell B, and Adams O. (2002), Imbalances in the health workforce Briefing paper, World Health Organization, Geneva.

Greub F., Gallant S., Zurn P., et al. (2002), Spare non-occupational HIV post-exposure prophylaxis by active contacting and testing for the source person, AIDS, 16, p. 1-6
Zurn P., Taffé P., Rickenbach M., and Danthine J.-P., (2001), The Social cost of the HIV infection in Switzerland, IEMS, Lausanne.

Zurn P., Carrin C., Danthine J.-P., Kammerlander R., and Kane M. (2000), The Economics of Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination, Disease Management and Health Outcomes 7(6), 331-347.

Holly A., Gardiol L. and Zurn P. (1999), Relation(s) entre la consommation tabagique et la taxation du tabac, Institut d’Economie et de Management de la Santé, Lausanne.

Zurn P. and Danthine J.-P. (1998), Evaluation économique de différentes stratégies de vaccination contre l’hépatite B en Suisse, Sozial und Präventivmedizin 43 Suppl 1, S134-137.

Zurn P.and Danthine J.-P. (1997), Conséquences économiques de la transformation d'un hôpital de soins aigus en un établissement de soins chroniques, Ecole des HEC- University of Lausanne, Lausanne.

Zurn P., Danthine J.-P., Wasserfallen J.-B., and Paccaud F. (1997), Mandat sur la planification sanitaire de la République et Canton du Jura, Ecole des HEC-University of Lausanne, Lausanne.