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#1 2016-03-20 16:53:52

Registered: 2015-12-13
Posts: 74

The 4th Biennial Scientific Conference of the AfHEA

The African Health Economies & Policy Association (AfHEA) is pleased to announce its upcoming 4th Biennial Scientific Conference themed "The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Grand Convergence and Health in Africa." The conference theme will look at the alignment of the SDGs and the 'Grand Convergence' with health goals and priorities of African countries, and critically analyze the opportunities and challenges facing their implementation, including the unfinished agenda of the MDGs.

The conference will take place at the Sofitel Jardin des Roses in Rabat, Morocco, from 26-29 September 2016.

AfHEA is now calling for abstracts for its 2016 Conference. The official languages of the conference are English and French. Authors should submit abstracts online no later than 31 March 2016. Ali abstracts submitted will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The abstract submissions received for the conference will inform the parallel sessions. To maintain the high standards of previous conferences, the review process for the abstract submissions is intensive and thorough. Thereafter acceptance of abstracts for oral or posters will be confirmed with applicants no later than 30 April 2016. The abstracts submitted should be aligned to one or more of the conference themes.

"The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Grand Convergence and Health in Africa"
Theme 1: The unfinished MDGs agenda and the new SDGs
Theme 2: Financing the SDGs and the Grand Convergence (GC)
Theme 3: Policies and reforms for improving health system performance
Theme 4: Priority setting, economie evaluation and priority health services
Theme 5: Human Resources for Health Theme 6: Fiscal policy and health
Theme 7: Key methodologieal changes in health economies specifie to Afriea
Theme 8: The role of universities and donors in building capacity in health economies

To submit online, please follow the link: http://afhea.org/en/abstract-submission-individual

For organized sessions, please see the instructions online:


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